Saturday, November 8, 2008

Finished Another Flip

Here are a couple pictures of before and after of a house my husband just finished. I thought we had more inside before shots but can't locate them right at the moment. I will keep searching and post them later on if I find them. We purchased this house for $17,000 and put about $3000 to $4000 in it. We are listing it for $54,000. It is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a fenced in back yard. Hope you enjoy and keep returning for more!!!

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Friday, November 7, 2008

House is ready for the market!!

We purchased another house back in August and didn't actually get started on it until September. My husband has it ready to be listed now. It was a small house with only two bedrooms and one bath. We purchased it for $17,000 and we are going to list it for only $54,000! I have some before pictures, and I am in the process of getting some after shots. I will try my best to get this posted today or tomorrow. So keep a look out for it because it was a major transformation on this cute little house.

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House has contract!!!

We have a contract now on this house. Keep your fingers crossed it will all go through. Hopefully it will be closing in about two weeks. This house was the only one we had on the market for this long. I believe it has been approximately 3 months, so that is still not bad with the way the economy is right now. I'll let you know if something happens and it doesn't sell.

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