Monday, April 27, 2009

Costa Rica Real Estate

Have you ever thought about owning some Costa Rica real estate? I don't find it strange at all that I have always wanted too. It is like a dream for me to be able to own a piece of property in some beautiful tropical place. I would visit it so often that it wouldn't be funny.

Just the other day a friend of mine that owns property in tons of places was talking to me on her cell as she sat at the Costa Rica country club. I was so jealous. I told her to never call me from there again, but she knew I was only joking. However, she did give me a little bit of information about Belize real estate that she found out from another person on her visit to Costa Rica. My husband and I are in the process of checking it out. It was be so awesome to finally have a dream of mine come true. But I'm not holding my breath.

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