Thursday, October 2, 2008

Purchasing Homes on Ebay

I was reading the Yahoo News this morning about a woman, Joanne Smith, from Chicago winning a bid for a home on ebay for only $1.75! Can You believe that? The house was an abandoned home in Saginaw, Michigan. According to the article there were 8 bids on this house and she must pay $850 back taxes plus yard clean up. I can't imagine something like this ever happening to me. We sure would have liked to run across a deal like this to flip!

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J said...

I saw this and couldn't believe it..LOL! I cannot even imagine buying a house over ebay..much less buying one for $1.75. Too funny!

The Geek's Girl
Fat Girl Goes Fit

Marrid66 said...

No kidding! That would have been great. I wonder what kind of condition it was in if it only sold for $1.75.


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Da Boss And Bryguy

Mrs Koz said...

If I saw a house for sale for $2 I wouldn't even buy it, I'd be so sure it was a scam! What a surprise this is!

Lori said...

Wouldn't that be nice? The housing market really must be in a slump.

(I wrote a similar story on my blog as well.)

Confessions of a Baltimore Housewife

Carrie said...

I didn't know people could sell houses on ebay! Might have to check that out.
Anything I Think About
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Lori said...

I wonder how many people started bidding on eBay real estate now since that article came out.


Confessions of a Baltimore Housewife

Unknown said...

I read about this...totally unbelievable! Why can't this happen to me?

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